I’m Katja, a UX Designer based in Southampton, England.

My journey into the UX Design field started back in 2015. I was working as a Software Test Engineer at IBM and a colleague of mine mentioned Usability Testing to me. At that point I had not heard of that before and did some research. I learned that Usability Testing was part of the UX Design spectrum and after talking to several people, I made the decision that I wanted to learn more about it and hopefully switch into that field eventually.


“There is no learning without trying lots of ideas and failing lots of times.”

- Jony Ive

Since then I have attended several online and onsite courses with a variety of companies, built up my portfolio with projects and learned so many things. I met great people on the way and I kept trying to get a position in the field as I am very passionate about UX. In 2019 I was able to apply for a UX Design role at the IBM Studio in Hursley, where I have been working since.


